XXIXèmes journées de la CORFEM les 8 et 9 juin 2023 à Nantes

XXVIIIème colloque annuel de la CORFEM

9 et 10 juin 2022


Livret CORFEM 2022

Themes of the 28th CORFEM days

Theme 1: Reasoning, proving, demonstrating ... in class and in training

 This theme is at the heart of mathematical activity and is available in all areas of mathematics, in secondary education, below and beyond. Many math teacher educators observe a loss of meaning and the need for justification - in all its forms - in the classroom. Based on the extensive research work, the aim is to problematize the role of reasoning, proof and demonstration in school mathematical activity, and to identify avenues to give it its full place. There is also the question of the evolution of opportunities and forms of demonstration in current programs.


Theme 2: Describing and understanding teaching practices - impact on training

 The training mission - initial and continuing - of teachers confronts the trainer with the need for tools to describe and understand the different facets of the teaching activity, their tensions, their interactions, their determinants. These tools for analyzing practices can also help identify training levers. A reflection on these tools and their uses (possible or actual) in training is regularly necessary within the community of trainers, both to take into account the emergence and stabilization of general theoretical frameworks and to allow the study of specific issues: particular teaching formats (ICT sessions, open problems, demonstration moments), use of resources, particular audiences (ZEP, ASH), differentiation practices, evaluation practices, distance or hybrid teaching.

Methods of responding to the call for contributions

The CORFEM colloquium is a research-based exchange and training colloquium. Interventions must seek to maintain the balance between, on the one hand, scientific rigor, and, on the other hand, the need to train actors in the field from various backgrounds (national education executives; researchers and teachers involved in initial and continuing training).

Scientific activity takes the form of invited plenary conferences - or round tables - and workshops.

The call for papers is for workshops (1h30). The workshops can represent the opportunity to pool teacher training practices, to conduct a collaborative reflection between different players in this training, or to disseminate research results, in connection with one of the two themes selected. The "workshop" format is neither that of presentation nor that of free discussion. It must combine a substantial input of information with an activity of the participants.

The CORFEM colloquium is a research-based exchange and training colloquium. Interventions must seek to maintain the balance between, on the one hand, scientific rigor, and, on the other hand, the need to train actors in the field from various backgrounds (national education executives; researchers and teachers involved in initial and continuing training).

Scientific activity takes the form of invited plenary conferences - or round tables - and workshops.

The call for papers is for workshops (1h30). The workshops can represent the opportunity to pool teacher training practices, to conduct a collaborative reflection between different players in this training, or to disseminate research results, in connection with one of the two themes selected. The "workshop" format is neither that of presentation nor that of free discussion. It must combine a substantial input of information with an activity of the participants.


The workshop proposals will appear in the conference presentation booklet in the form of a 5 to 10 line summary. They must include:

- the title of the workshop;

- the first and last names of each contributor, their institutional attachment and the email address of the person in charge;

- a summary of the workshop which specifies the questions studied, their link with one of the two themes, some bibliographical references and the operating procedures.


Proposals should be sent before March 15 to the addresses of CORFEM officials:




The authors will be informed in the following month of the follow-up given to their proposal. The authors of accepted contributions undertake morally to provide a text for the proceedings after the conference. The proceedings will be freely available online: http://www.univ-irem.fr/spip.php?rubrique442

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